Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am an 18 year old male from France, Paris to be exact. I come from a normal background. My father was in the army but has since retired and both he and my mother work in factories producing goods that i now use everyday. Ever since the Germans have invaded France everyone around, including my self, has had strong feelings of resentment to these foes that we know nothing about. however, we all know one thing; they are good fighters. I have been stuck in this same trench for three weeks now. Every morning when i wake up, the smell of burnt flesh from bombs and decomposing bodies is everywhere. No body can escape it. I just got back from a surprise attack. The only people that got surprised were us. The Germans had many machine guns and they used an odd smelling gas on us. One of my friends fell over and never got back becasue of it. The war is miserable.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Most Important

In my opinion Adolf Hitler was one of the most important figures in history, but not just because of his actions during WW2.

In 1933, Hitler finally gained power in Germany. After years of reconstruction and major difficulties and disagreements about politics, Germany needed a strong leader. Honestly, they probably would have taken just about anyone so long as they could turn the country around. While being labeled as a dangerous man, Hitler actually did a lot of good things for his country. He was able to bring Germany back up to a competitive level in the world. He united people and made new reforms and other laws, even though he was a strict military dictator. Hitler led the Nazi party which is who gained control of the political system and launched to the front of Germany. This was a good sign for a lot of people that wanted a etter Germany.

Many of Hitler's actions that helped Germany may have been good, but another reason he is important is because of the terrible things he led to the world to see. His most tragic idea was the Holocaust where he exterminated Jewish poeple becasue he did not like them. He caused all of Germany to hate jews. Hitler also led his army to take over other countries and begin the second World War. This man had many lives in his hands and that also make him a very infamous figure of history.

Monday, February 2, 2009

European Urbanization

Being a young male worker, I am always involved in many of the most dangerous jobs, like mining because I can fit into the tunnels unlike adults. I have to pull carts of coal up and down all day long, and honestly I don't even get paid that much so it's not a very good deal, but I am able to help keep my family fed. The conditions are horrible and I am always stuck with the worst jobs like sticking my hands through complicated machinery. I have a high risk of losing something off of me or even my life. This life is hard because it's so much better than being dirt poor, but it's almost not worth the risk.